The Laka Insurance Vision - Better Than Ever + What’s Next with CPO Jens Hartwig

The Laka Insurance Vision - Better Than Ever + What’s Next with CPO Jens Hartwig

Elinor Barker's Diary: My Claim with Laka!

Elinor Barker's Diary: My Claim with Laka!

Ben Deakin's Top 5 Mountain Biking Tips

Ben Deakin's Top 5 Mountain Biking Tips

Laka - Read the Latest Stories About Cycling & Insurance
E-bike insurance | What's the law?

E-bike insurance | What's the law?

The e-bike revolution is well underway, with a growing number of cyclists using electric bikes. However, with increased usage comes a laser-sharp focus on the laws around riding them. Are the rules around e-bikes the same as regular cycles? We’ve got the answers with this guide to e-bike laws.

Laka’s simple guide to the highway code changes

Laka’s simple guide to the highway code changes

We've been getting tired of phrases like ‘the dutch reach’ (opening a car door with the opposite hand) and cartoon diagrams of junctions being plastered over feeds in recent weeks. So we've created the no-faff guide to the 2022 highway code changes. Specifically made for cyclists.

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