How to choose a bike shed that will keep your bicycles safe
We get a lot of questions about bike sheds. So we teamed up with Carl from thebestbikelock.com to give you all the info about choosing the right one. Check out Carl's post below:
We get a lot of questions about bike sheds. So we teamed up with Carl from thebestbikelock.com to give you all the info about choosing the right one. Check out Carl's post below:
Considering that every day, a staggering 1,100¹ bikes are stolen in the UK, how can you best guarantee that your bike will stay where you left it? The answer is investing in a tough-enough-to-deter-sneaky-bike-thieves insurance-approved bike lock.
Ever wondered what it's like competing in a Crit Race? Amy Perryman spills all.
Innovating our products to provide the best insurance cover for cyclists is in our DNA. This summer we’ve launched Laka Complete and a flexible Worldwide Travel and Racing Add-On, so you can tailor your cover for what you need when you need it.
Looking for some big climbs to ride? You don't need to go abroad for tough cycling ascents. There are some brutally steep climbs in the UK. Here's our pick of the 5 steepest roads for cycling in the UK.