Over 30 manufacturers and several hundred retailers are acquiring new customers with this service and gaining valuable insights into their behavior.

In the connected e-bike market, what are your customers’ main concerns and pain points?

Due to the high purchase costs of an e-bike and an ever-increasing theft rate, the biggest pain point for our customers is the theft of their belongings.
There were no limitations to our solution as such, but the partnership with insurance companies simply gives customers more and better options for protection.

Did you find that a lack of readily available insurance options specifically designed for connected e-bikes was a barrier for you in terms of marketability or customer satisfaction?

Yes, we have found that a challenge. Although some providers are starting to address this issue, there is still room for improvement in terms of more consistent integration of insurance solutions into the overall product. Seamless integration of tailored insurance options directly with the purchase of a connected e-bike would significantly increase customer appeal and satisfaction with the overall package.

How did Laka's approach to insurance, focusing on flexibility and adaptability, align with your vision for creating a more comprehensive and attractive value proposition?

Laka's focus on flexibility perfectly complements our innovative approach to GPS tracking and recovery services. Together, we offer a customized, agile total package that adapts to each client's unique needs. Overall, the strengths and visions of our two companies complement each other perfectly to create a truly unique and attractive product and service package that sets new standards in e-bike safety and customer focus.

Do you believe offering insurance as a value proposition strengthens the overall appeal of connected e-bikes in the marketplace? Why or why not?

Yes, we do believe the offer of special e-bike insurance in combination with GPS tracking and replacement service increases the attractiveness of connected e-bikes on the market. The main reasons are that customers feel safer and are financially protected in the event of theft. Also, the innovative overall package offers real added value, the offer is perfectly tailored to the needs of the target group. All in all, with the combination of tracking and insurance we're hitting a nerve in the market and setting ourselves apart from the competition. Connected Bikes including recovery and insurance for the worst-case scenario is becoming more and more standard.

"Insurance solutions like Laka's are of great value to the entire connected e-bike market. They help drive and develop the connected e-bike market as a whole. They provide positive incentives for manufacturers to develop even better and safer products and encourage the development of a healthy ecosystem of manufacturers, service providers and insurers." - IoT Venture


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