The women who are cycling for a greener city - Alice

Name: Alice

Location: London

Current commuting bike: Specialized Diverge

Favourite commuting kit: My waterproof hi-vis bag cover has been a lifesaver during the winter months, I always make sure it's at the bottom of my bag just in case!

Why do you pick cycling as your transport?: It's cheaper than the tube and such a nice start to the day.

What is the most useful cycling tip you have received?: Always look ahead, not down at your front wheel.

Why do you think it is important to get women cycling?: It's great to have as many cycling role models for women and girls as possible, the more women we see out on the roads, should hopefully encourage others to give it a go.

What do you think is the biggest barrier to women cycling?: I think there's a perception that you need to know everything and have all the gear from day one, which can be really intimidating. The fear of a puncture was enough to put me off commuting by bike for ages until I realised that the community of other riders and shops around London that will always be willing to lend a hand as I was starting out.

Your favourite environmentally friendly habit?: Beeswax wraps for packaging up lunch, they're so much better than using cling film or foil, and last for ages.

Greener cities through women cycling....

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